Quilled dragonflies to represent protection. Our understanding of dragonflies has many meanings, but the one most recognized by the Lakota is its power to shift through dimensions and carry messages or bring spirits/people back and forth from one realm to the next. We believe that this is how our loved ones travel to bring us messages. Warriors would often paint or have dragonfly images beaded onto their gear as a means to help them move switch and quick while in battle, maybe even giving them the ability to "blink" out of the way of a fatal blow from the enemy.
Nowadays, people still believe in this, but are also a style and a statement that promotes growth and stages of life since it is an animal that is born in water and then transitions from a "beetle-like" form to a flying Insect.
-Dyed porcupine quills
-Outlined with size 11 opaque greasy pink coral beads
-outlined with gold plated metallic bright AB rhinestones
-Edge beaded finish, with size 11 white opaque and 24karat gold beads
-Backed with Smoked deer hide
-Made as a Hook earring set
-Overall size and measurements, 3.25 inches in length (hook to bottom) x 3 inches in width (wing tip to wing tip)
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